Wednesday, January 28, 2009

state of emergency

Alright so i don't know if you guys have heard of this thing that everybody seems to be talking about, i think its called...."money"?....yea that's it money. This word along with another word "swagg" (yes that's with two "g's") has swept our nation and seems to be what everybody is talking about. Now the word swagg first hit main stream, i want to say in 2006 and has been in numerous songs. just recently MIA-SWAGGER LIKE US. I don't know who created this word but i personally think that they need to be shot. No not for creating the word but releasing it and not first putting a definition on it or how to use it and also how it works. To me the definition of "swagg" is your own personal aura, something that you are born with, something that u develop from just being you. Can you have swagg? Why of course but it is something that you are born with u can not turn on BET and get it. How do you know if you have swagg? You just know, so if you are questioning yourself you might don't got it (yes i really did just say you might don't got it). Also I feel like if u have swagg why do you feel you need to tell the word about it? If you have it don't you think people would know by just looking at you? Now back to this money word, everybody is saying they are getting money, money this, money that. I also feel like this is something else that you don't need to tell the world about. Like Jay-Z said "money aint a thing" so if your getting money then you wouldn't need to talk about it, right? But half of you out there that are saying "I get money" aren't getting money. Just because you can go to Wendy's and get a meal does not mean your getting money, just because you have a 100 dollar bill wrapped around a 5 and a 20 does not mean your getting money.

All I'm saying is stop bragging about what you don't have and be greatful for what you do have.

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